
Versicherungsbüro Weiss GmbH
Kirchweg 44
14129 Berlin

Managing Director: Daniel Weiss

Phone: +49 30 — 40 36 31 95
Fax: +49 30 — 82 70 98 66

Managing Director: Daniel Weiss

Responsible for the content in terms of § 18 para. 2 MStV:
Daniel Weiss  (address as above)

Permission according to § 34 d Abs. 1 Gewerbeordnung (insurance broker), supervisory authority: Berlin Chamber of Industry and Commerce, Fasanenstraße 85, 10623 Berlin, Germany
Insurance broker register (
Registration no. D-MJSG-29Y7E-52 (for § 34 d GewO).
Complaint procedure via Online Dispute Resolution for Consumers (OS): We are neither obliged nor willing to participate in the dispute resolution procedure.

Register court:

District Court Berlin-Charlottenburg (“Amtsgericht Berlin-Charlottenburg“)
Registration number HRB 199825 B

Tax ID: DE 320728060

Professional designation:
Insurance broker with permission according to § 34 d para. 1 Gewerbeordnung, Federal Republic of Germany

Member of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry:
IHK Berlin, Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Fasanenstrasse 85, 10623 Berlin

Professional liability insurance:

Allianz Insurance Company (“Allianz Versicherungsgesellschaft”)

At the Teptowers 3

12435 Berlin

Scope: Germany, Europe

Professional regulations
– § 34 d Trade, Commerce and Industry Regulation Act (GewO)
– Sections 59 – 68 Insurance Contract Act (VVG)
– Ordinance on Insurance Mediation and Advice (VersVermV)

The professional regulations can be viewed and accessed on the website operated by the Federal Ministry of Justice and juris GmbH.Note according to online dispute resolution regulation

Information on sustainability risks in financial products

What are sustainability risks?
Sustainability risks (ESG risks) are events or conditions from the three areas of environment, social affairs and governance, the occurrence of which could have a negative impact on the value of the investment. These risks can affect individual companies as well as entire industries or regions.

What are some examples of sustainability risks in the three areas?
Environment: As a result of climate change, increased occurrence of extreme weather events could pose a risk. This risk is also called physical risk. An example of this would be an extreme dry period in a certain region. This could cause levels of transport routes such as rivers to drop to such an extent that the transport of goods could be impaired.
Social: In the social sphere, risks could arise, for example, from non-compliance with labour law standards or health protection.
Corporate governance: Examples of risks in the area of corporate governance include non-compliance with tax honesty or corruption in companies.

Information on the inclusion of sustainability risks in advisory activities (Art. 3 TVO)
In order to include sustainability risks in advisory services, the information provided by providers (financial market participants) and their financial products is taken into account in the selection process. Providers who do not have a recognisable strategy for including sustainability risks in their investment decisions may not be offered. Within the scope of the consultation, it may be presented separately if the consideration of sustainability risks in the investment decision means recognisable advantages or disadvantages for the client. The respective provider provides information on the consideration of sustainability risks in investment decisions in its pre-contractual information. The client can raise questions on this in the run-up to a possible conclusion.

Information on the consideration of adverse effects on sustainability factors (Art. 4 TVO in conjunction with Art. 11 of the Supplement to the TVO of 1 January 2023)
Statement on the consideration of key adverse impacts on sustainability factors when providing investment and insurance advice:When providing advice, our aim is to be able to recommend a suitable investment/insurance investment product to you. In doing so, we also take your sustainability preferences into account, if you so wish. In doing so, you can specify whether your investment should take into account environmental and/or social values as well as principles of good corporate governance and/or the main adverse effects of investment decisions on sustainability factors. Depending on the type of investment objective (investment in companies, states, real estate, etc.), the legislator has determined “indicators” for the most important adverse effects of their investment decisions on sustainability factors in the following areas:
Environmental, social and labour concerns
Respect for human rights
The fight against corruption and bribery.

Product providers are required by law to publish a statement of their strategy for considering and addressing key adverse impacts. This relates in particular to greenhouse gas emissions, water use, biodiversity, waste, social and labour concerns (including human rights and corruption). If you decide that the main adverse impacts of your investment decisions on sustainability factors should be taken into account in the product selection process, we will consider the information provided by the product providers as well as the policies set out by the product providers as part of the selection process. We do not apply our own classification and selection methods to the information provided by the product providers. The plausibility of the information provided by the product providers is not checked separately.

Information on the remuneration policy when taking sustainability risks into account (Art. 5 TVO)
The remuneration for the brokerage of financial products is generally not influenced by sustainability risks. It may happen that providers remunerate the consideration of sustainability risks in investments at a higher rate. If this is not contrary to the client’s interest, the higher remuneration is accepted.

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The free and freely accessible contents of this website were created with the greatest possible care. However, the provider of this website assumes no responsibility for the accuracy and timeliness of the provided free and freely accessible journalistic guides and news. Contributions marked by name reflect the opinion of the respective author and not always the opinion of the provider. Just by calling the free and freely accessible content, no contractual relationship between the user and the provider is concluded, insofar as it lacks the legal binding will of the provider.

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This website contains links to third party websites (“external links”). These websites are the responsibility of the respective operators. The provider has checked the external content on the initial linking of external links to determine whether any legal violations exist. At that time, no violations were evident. The provider has no influence on the current and future design and content of the linked pages. The setting of external links does not mean that the provider accepts the content behind the reference or link. A constant control of external links is not reasonable for the provider without concrete evidence of legal violations. However, in the event of legal violations, such external links will be deleted immediately.

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The content published on this website is subject to German copyright and ancillary copyright. Any use not permitted by German copyright and ancillary copyright law requires the prior written consent of the provider or respective copyright holder. This applies in particular to duplication, processing, translation, storage, processing or reproduction of content in databases or other electronic media and systems. Contents and rights of third parties are marked as such. The unauthorized duplication or passing on of individual contents or complete sides is not permitted and punishable. Only the production of copies and downloads for personal, private and non-commercial use is permitted.

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